"Colorful Vase" - A painting by Carol Ligon

CARLIG010 - Colorful Vase by Carol Ligon.jpeg
CARLIG010 - Colorful Vase by Carol Ligon.jpeg

"Colorful Vase" - A painting by Carol Ligon


Framework ‘Abstract in OIL’—The grand design for the Compositional Components of the painting, developed on two main stages: 1) the ARTIST designed and implemented the Elements of Art: shape, color, line and texture—to create its own reality. 2) the ARTIST painted and incorporated many changes along the way, working with harmony, unity and dynamics of the painting. This ‘Abstract in OIL’ is an Expressive Pattern of shapes, sizes, and proportions—aesthetically pleasing,  which provided dazzling energy of contrasting light and dark values of Expressive ART.

OIL on Gallery-wrapped Canvas (23 x 23 inches). Professionally framed in a stunning yellow wood frame, with a white wood liner.

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Fulfillment Options: Pickup, only, from Brentwood, CA 94513. For further information, write to artguildofthedelta1@gmail.com